About Classic Club

What is Classic Club

A Group of People and Organizations who are Inspired Not by Money Mind but By Business Mind to Work Collectively [ Rental and Real Estate Business] with One Purpose and One Thought as per Their Own Significance and Capability for the Benefit of Business as well as Family, Society and Nation as a Whole.

Why is There A Need for A CLASSIC CLUB ......?

Vision : एक सब के लिए , सब एक के लिए
Mission : सहकारिता से समृद्धि की और


Naturally , Man wants to Live Independently and with Peace and Social Emotion and Financial Security in his Family and Society,

But Due to Circumstances he is Unable to Do so.

We have Decided to Do it. In Today's Era,

Keeping in View the Social and Economic Condition of a Common Man and his / her Family. We have Done a Unique Experiment of Amazing Social, Emotional and Financial Engineering.

The Foundation of which is Designed on the Rules of Nature and the Formula of Cooperation.

Thousands of Partners In Four Categories - Without Investment

There is No Investment, No Fixed or Restricted Time Limit for Working

What is The Role and Benefits of Classic Club [Partner]

We have Divided Partners into Four Categories Based on Their Significance, Suppor Understanding.

(1) Classic Club Silver Partner
[Unlimited Person - Active Income Only]
One Time User [Only Listed and Verified]
One Time Guest Partner [ Consultancy Fee and Brokerage Paid Client]
One Point Guest Partner [ Builders , Appartment , Society , Association , NGO , Social Club]
Joint Venture [Property Dealer and Brokers]

(2) Classic Club Golden Partner
[ Limited Person- Active and Passive Income]
Selected Referral Partner Out House Working [Free Hand]
Selected Area Partner In House Working - Free Hand [Admin & Operation City]

(3) Classic One Diamond Partner
[ Limited Person- Active and Passive Income]
Admin and Operational Head Partner [ Head Office]
City and State Head Partner

(4) Blue Star Partner
[Limited Person- Active and Passive Income + Royalty Income]

Founder Members and Promoters
◉ Directors
◉ Promoters
◉ Share Holders
◉ Investers Head